‘No man is an island’ was a famous line written by John Donne in the early 16th century, but it is just as true today.
Unfortunately, despite the highest aspirations of fulfilling your New Year’s Vision with strength, fitness, energy and glowing health, many of us find it ever so easy to find an excuse to give-up as the going gets tough. Working out on your own demands a high level of self-discipline and the formation of a lifestyle habit.
We tend to fold before that priceless habit is embedded in the way we do things.
That is one golden reason why exercising – moving together, is so incredibly powerful. Suddenly, you are NO LONGER ALONE. You instantly become part of a positive group with an important and common goal. As you build and form friendships with those surrounding you, you find, the effort needed to continue is not as great. You become carried by the momentum of the ‘team’.
Even better, most groups benefit from expert instruction and leadership. You truly can leave your concerns behind, follow direction and simply go with the flow, with full knowledge that, if you keep turning up, your well-being will increase along with it. Club Physical offers a range of opportunities to ‘do it TOGETHER’…
- GROUPX classes
- XRIDE classes
- X45 classes
- And our new six-week programme, FOCUS-42
Read all of the class descriptions here
In addition, there are Personal Trainers to coach, guide, train you and to hold you accountable. And at the very least, you always have the opportunity to join a friend, a workout-buddy or to make friendships in the gym. It’s not healthy to be ‘isolated’. No man is an island, and this statement is just as pertinent as it was 400 years ago.
Join in today, make friends and enjoy the RESULTS!
This week’s newsletter can be found here