Reward Yourself In Our

Relaxation & Recovery room

Take your health and wellness beyond your workout with best-in-class recovery tools.
Support muscle recovery, take time to relieve physical and mental stress, and prioritize your
overall well-being. Club Physical is making relaxation and recovery easy and accessible.




Watch the intro video >



Watch the intro video >

In this fast-moving world of rapid change, increased stress and adjustment, there comes a growing need for a total holistic WELLNESS solution. Club Physical now provides you with a wide range of classes including YOGA, PILATES, BREATHWORK and others, as well as a wide variety of facilities including Swedish Saunas, Swimming Pool and Spa.


The Recovery Room

Infrared Sauna


contrast therapy

massage chairs

Infrared Sauna

If YOU are looking for a way to achieve a wonderful warmth from within, enter the INFARED SAUNA. In contrast to the regular sauna, INFARED utilises inviable light that will penetrate deep into your muscle fibres. This provides all of the benefits of sunlight without harmful UV rays. The slow and steady heating of your body, leads to a more enjoyable and comfortable experience.

Studies have shown that INFARED Saunas can remove up to 20% of toxins from your body! This compares to just 3% using a regular sauna. 

A study by the Cleveland Clinic, USA found that regular users of INFARED saunas experienced improvements in;

  • Heart health
  • Soothing sore muscles
  • Pain relief
  • Relaxation
  • Improved sleep quality


Cryotherapy, a cutting-edge Wellness Treatment, involves exposing your body to an extremely cold temperature (The RECOVERY studio setting is 6 degrees celsius) for a brief period. Using the Recovery studio ‘Ice-bath’, the benefits include reduced muscle soreness and inflammation, accelerated injury recovery and enhanced athletic performance. 

Cryotherapy can also alleviate chronic pain conditions, boost your metabolism and improve your mood by releasing endorphins. Further, it’s known to promote better sleep and skin rejuvenation, making it a holistic therapy for both  your physical and mental wellbeing!

Contrast Therapy (Hot/Cold)

By combining Club Physical’s INFARED Sauna with the ICE-BATH it creates a potent Contrast Therapy regime enabling faster recovery after intense workouts. The INFARED Sauna penetrates deep into your tissues, promoting relaxation, pain relief and detoxification.

It boosts your metabolism and promotes increased calories burn. Following this with the ICE-BATH activates vasoconstriction and vasodilation, enhancing your circulation and reducing any inflammation. Together, the combination alleviates muscle soreness, improves skin health and will invigorate YOU!

The alternation between heat and cold will maximise your body’s adaptive response. This will enhance your overall well-being, stress reduction and recovery.

However, if you have any specific medical conditions, you should seek professional medical guidance before attempting this therapy.

Contrast Therapy PRICING

If you’re not a current Club Physical member, you can get started with Contrast Therapy…

Non-Member Casual

$49 per session

  • 45-minute session

Concession x 10


Please book ahead – allow up to 45 minutes max per session
*Sessions are non-cumulative

Must have 2 towels and swimwear for contrast therapy

If you are a current Club Physical member, you can get started with Contrast Therapy…

Member Casual

$29 per session

  • 45-minute session

Please book @ reception

Concession x 10


Please book @ reception

Membership Add-on Weekly*


Please book @ reception

Add On Person

$19 per session

Please book @ reception

* Contract Therapy membership add-on includes bonus massage chair session weekly.

Steps to using Contrast Therapy

ONE:  Please arrive early and showered (adjacent Club locker rooms and showers available)

TWO: Your INFARED Sauna will be preheated and your Ice-Bath pre-cooled

THREE: Start by relaxing and unwinding in the INFARED Sauna, Please sit on your towel.

FOUR: After at least 15-20 minutes of building a sweat, you can move to the Ice-Bath. Please lower yourself in gently. It is recommended that you do focus on deep breathing before entering. You might remain in the bath from 30 seconds to 2-3 minutes. Then towel-dry and return to the INFARED Sauna or back to the locker-room. 

FIVE: NOTE – Please keep an eye on your time. You will need to be leaving the Recovery studio within 50 minutes to allow for preparation before the next booking.

SIX: Confirm your next booking with reception

Conditions of use for Contrast Therapy

  • Please be on-time and bring your own towels (2 recommended) – Club Physical branded Bath towels ARE available for purchase – $20 each 
  • Please wear your swimming attire throughout your session (togs)
  • Be showered and dry before your session. Adjacent facilities are available in Club Physical men’s and women’s upper locker-rooms
  • Please sit on your towel when using the INFRARED Sauna
  • Please enter the Recovery studio without deodorant, perfume, body oils or make-up on
  • Gently lower yourself into the Ice-Bath (strictly NO plunging)
  • Towel dry before entering the INFARED Sauna
  • Towel dry before entering or leaving the Recovery studio
  • Sessions are not cumulative from week to week. (if you don’t use, the session is NOT added to the following week)
  • Sessions aren’t ‘transferable’ to another person

Massage Chairs

Club Physical’s Luxury Massage Chairs will offer you a range of relaxing, rejuvenating health benefits. This includes stress reduction, muscle relaxation and improved circulation. They can relieve tension and alleviate chronic pain conditions like back pain and headaches. 

Regular use of the Massage Chairs can enhance flexibility, reduce muscle stiffness, and even aid in better sleep quality.  They can even stimulate the release of endorphins and promote a sense of well-being and relaxation. Ultimately this provides a convenient and accessible way to experience the advantages of massage therapy.

Massage Chair PRICING

The Recovery Studio has two Luxury Chairs, side by side.

If you’re not a current Club Physical member, you can get started with a Massage Chair…

Non-Member Casual

$20 per session

  • 25-minute session

If you are a current Club Physical member, you can get started with a Massage Chair…

Member Casual

$10 per session

  • 25-minute session

Please book @ reception

Conditions of use for the Massage Chairs

  • You must be showered and clean and clothed before use
  • Do not use if you are wet 
  • Please remove your shoes 
  • Your session will need to finish on time

Conditions of Use for the Recovery Room

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5 Day

Come see what we have to offer. Try 5 days, just $49. Pilates & New X45 Classes Included!



STARTS FEBRUARY 3rd…Register early for more than 50% in savings