Healthy Living Blog

Tash’s Marathon Effort Led To ‘Miracle’ Result!

Now a regular face at the club, it’s easy to see what led Tash to develop her strong, resilient nature. Originally born ‘up North’ Tash endured a ‘broken family’ with significant trauma. In fact, she completed over three years of psychological therapy as a result in 2020.

Tash and her partner Lucas, a concrete-layer, have desperately wanted children of their own and have tried for many years to make this a reality. “I have had a condition called Polycystic Ovaries” says Tash. “This made it allot harder to get pregnant. But I was becoming increasing determined and managed to reduce my weight by 35 kilos to help this to happen.

Soon after came the news that, not only was I pregnant, but I was going to have TWINS!”

Each day when Tash and ‘family’ enter the club its evident at how well cared for her babies are. What’s Tash’s secret, what has she learned?

“Routine is the key” asserts Tash. The two-year-olds love routine and usually settle well. “Willow and Pippa are fraternal. They are quite different to one-another”. Tash hopes to get Willow into gymnastics and Pippa into something like boxing/martial arts due to her nature.

When asked what drives her to attend the club Tash says, “It’s a ‘have-to’. It’s mental health, for me, for my children, and looking ahead, for my grandchildren!” Tash is a regular at the club’s X45 classes and often schedules sessions with Personal Trainer, Kevin.

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