Healthy Living Blog

Hey! Try One Thing At A Time

In 2015 I was leading thirteen health clubs, always under pressure and stretched for time. With around 350 staff there was always turnover and we would be consistently interviewing around twenty people a week. I had a daily, often unmet,  obligation to visit the clubs but also to deal with huge financial, email and office flows with a weekly wage bill of $90,000, weekly rents of $70,000, and a marketing budget of $35,000 a month to direct.

I took pride in my ability to spin around in my swivel chair and deal with multiple issues an hour. I’d skip from subject to subject, then needing to rethink where I had got up to. But I never created this business to sit in an office. It was the ‘people, the vibe, and the gym atmosphere’ that really got me. My ‘busy-ness’ was taking me away from my passion and I was trying to handle too many things at the same time.

That was before I learned this secret.

Are you in a position where you are super- busy and perhaps less happy, and unable to enjoy your original passion? What I discovered is to FOCUS on one thing at a time. That is, if you have a daily ‘to-do’ list with say – SIX tasks that must be done today, number them in order of prioriity. Then, when you start work, FOCUS on fully completing number one before dabling on number two. Then tick it off and enjoy the satisfaction of ‘completion and accomplishment’ before you take on number two.

In a similar vein, I see members bring their mobile phones with them we they workout. Years ago I would gaze over and feel sorry for the late Clive Green (of Clive Greens Health Club) who often had his mobile phone with him when he worked-out in the gym. He’d be sweating away pumping the weights, the phone would ring and I would see him embroiled in a business conversation. It was then that I made the decision to never take my phone with me when I worked-out. This is YOUR time. YOUR time to FOCUS on your workout. All other issues, challenges and problems can be set-aside while  your workout removes ALL stress and anxiety. As a result, when you leave the gym, you will be stress-free, relaxed and in a far better mindframe to deal with your ‘to-do list’. One thing at a time.

Trying to be superman or women, dealing with multiple issues an hour, will often leave you frustrated, deflated, and anxious. Instead, when  you workout at the gym, leave your business behind. Focus on enjoying your time-out. After this, maintain your composure by completing just one thing fully at a time.

Try it and feel the satisfaction!

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