WARNING: The following information can change your life!
According to research by The University of Scranton USA, only 8% of people actually follow through and achieve their New Year’s Resolutions.
While resolution’s and goal setting are certainly powerful and admirable aims to aspire to, with most people, something is going seriously wrong.
And the exciting thing I’ve discovered is this……
While listening to a talk by former US Navy Chief and World renowned behavioural expert – Chase Hughes, what he said immediately made everything clear! Having a Goal alone won’t change anything. What will propell you forward on a tradectory to success is forming new habits!
The answer was so obvious, that it’s amazing that most of us didn’t get it. The secret to achievement is to;
First, have a Goal or a Vision, Create a plan that will get you there. Then do what most people neglect to do. Decide on the ‘habits’ to you need to start, that by doing these consistently, will result in your vision being achieved? Use ‘self-discipline’ to get you started. But after that initial effort, simply stick to the habit that you have agreed (with yourself) to follow.
- VISION: I would like to see myself having read six non-fiction books by July
- ACTION: That’s one every 4.2 weeks. Decide on how many pages you would need to read a day to get you there. Then create a new habit to read X-pages each day
- VISION: I would like to see myself as having reduced my waistline by 6cm by next Christmas
- ACTION: Create the habit of working out, either weights or cardio, five days a week. Then if you have been in the habit of consuming ice-cream and wine for supper, begin a new substitute habit of say, eating a handful of almonds along with a cup of Green Tea instead. To ensure that you are on track, you can check your monthly progress with a tape measure or even better, an EVOLT Scan
You can see that having a Goal alone, wont do anything. Far more important in the long term is that you agree on setting up a new HABIT. Yes use your self-discipline to get you started, then the habit will take over. It’s the ‘habit’ that is all important. Get ready to celebrate the changes!
This week’s newsletter can be found here