Within the next 60 seconds, YOU will learn the simplest, easiest way to make new friends and to keep the ones you have.
You might be one of the majority of people who hold back a little on making new acquaintances. Social confidence has certainly taken a hit since the lockdowns. But if you could practice just one thing that would increase your comfort and your ability socially, wouldn’t you do it?
Here it is. Just add one more sentence.
Most of us have no problem walking through the gym as we enter saying “Hi” or “How are you” or “Morena”. In many cases, that’s where it ends. But if you take-up the challenge to add just one-more-sentence, it would be life-changing.
As an example I’ll refer to two members that I’ve noticed who have become expert in doing this. One, lets call him Big Sam. When he walks past myself and others he will typically first greet you. Then he asks an open-ended question like, “What did you work on today”. I believe Big Sam is totally genuine in doing this and really does take a real interest in the well-being of scores of members.
Another is someone who you might also know, Jacks’. This man almost always has a big instant smile. He often has an open-ended question and has become an expert in making friends.
Friendships can change your life. They foster a great ‘vibe’ around you. They can become supportive and you can simultaneously also encourage others. So, there you have it. A very simple challenge for YOU today. ‘Add an extra sentence’.
Come along, tone-up at the next FLEX class!
This week’s newsletter can be found here