Years ago after travelling to the FILEX Fitness Convention in Sydney, we took 2-3 extra days to unwind in the Blue Mountains. That time and experience was valuable to reflect on what we had learned and what could be implemented at Club Physical.
If you ever get the chance, visiting the Blue Mountains is like taking a trip back into yesteryear. We discovered a delightful vegetarian café, with an interior built like a series of tree houses called ‘The Common Ground’ (now known as The Yellow Deli). The café is operated by a group of people who grow their own food in a commune. It’s a very special atmosphere and you certainly get that sense of community while there.
The devastation created by Putin against the people of Ukraine has had the opposite effect on many countries. Thirty countries are already members of NATO, and now Norway and Sweden are about to apply. People, shocked by what has been happening are coming together, again this time on ‘common ground’ – with common cause.
The Health Club also serves as ‘common ground.’ Everyone around you at the gym is there for the same reason as YOU – to improve and maintain their health. You should never feel isolated at the gym. We are a community with a common understanding and purpose. An OASIS. Where You belong.
A quick glimpse of the FILEX tradeshow a few years back