Healthy Living Blog

Are You Aware of the Term ‘Presenteeism’?

Ten years ago, ‘Presenteeism’ wasn’t even in the dictionary. But it must have come about with so many these days, trying to keep pace and to get ahead in our fast paced society. As you might expect, the term means giving ‘right now,’ in this moment, your fullest attention.

We have all experienced what it is like to try to communicate with someone, when their mind is obviously on something else. It doesn’t make you feel very important, does it?

It’s not an excuse, but things are changing ever faster today. AI can do things that, just a few years back, were considered science fiction. Social media has a way of totally distracting you in the presence of others, and your family. And numerous other concerns like healthcare, biotechnology, vaccines, climate change, renewable technology and business improvements all compete for our attention.

However, one person recommended that, instead of always giving the impression that your time is limited, why not deliberately block out more time in your daily plan, so that when you do interreact with others, that it doesn’t feel rushed? In other words, allow for a little ‘space’ in your tight schedule. If you keep robbing your loved ones of time, there might one day come a time when they also have no time for you.

Enjoy the moment. Give people your full attention. Show you genuinely care about their comments and replies. Keep focussed on the ‘NOW’ and be ‘present in the moment’.

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