Healthy Living Blog

Dream One Size Bigger!

‘Make your plans as fantastic as you like, because twenty-five years from now, they will seem mediocre’- said Henry Curtis. ‘Make your plans ten times as great as you first planned, and twenty-five years from now you will wonder why you didn’t make them fifty times as great!’.

Make your goal a small step beyond what makes you feel comfortable. Doing this will force you to keep growing. Most people want their lives to keep improving, yet they value peace and stability. They forget that you can’t improve AND stay the same.

Growth means ‘change’.  Late last year a business coach asked me, “I want you to think of at least one lifetime achievement that you are really proud of”.  Something quickly entered my mind. Then the coach asked, “Did this achievement send you out of your comfort zone?”.  I agreed that ‘yes’ it did. “Well,” he replied, “If you want to grow, to progress, and to achieve more things in life, you had better get used to stepping out of your comfort zone”

Could YOU dare to dream a little bigger for 2023? Are there any changes that you need to make this year?

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