Healthy Living Blog

Failing Forward

Coming straight from the Auckland City DSW office environment, with just $800 in my pocket and the dream of starting a gym, I’d managed to convince the new owner of the former Waitemata Athletic Club to lease me his Ratanui Street building. On my first day, I had decided to build a sauna. With a few pieces a timber, having only been a builder’s labourer before and without a working plan, it was a recipe for failure. I remember standing there, hammer in hand, a few bent nails and in total exasperation, thinking “What the hell am I doing?”. It was a failed attempt but fortunately, an old friend and the owner of The SPA Health Club in Auckland – Len Coker, came, rebuilt it and finished it for me.

Over the course of several decades of building gyms, serving members and leading teams, I have failed  numerous projects and activities. But fortunately, I’ve also learned a deep sense of persistence and resilience. This has been enough to overcome hundreds of challenges and to enjoy a great many successes.

It is rightly said that most worthwhile accomplishments in life will come at the cost of hard work, struggle and persistence. History has numerous examples of this from Thomas Edison, who failed 699 times to invent the light bulb, of Walt Disney who was turned down by 70 plus banks, JK Rowling who was originally rejected by multiple publishers, and Serina Williams who overcame many early losses to win the Grand Slam 23 times.

Failing is an invaluable part of your personal growth. Failure is a stepping stone to success. It’s a sign that you picked a goal worthy of you. There is little to be achieved in ‘quitting’. Whatever you’re struggling with today, press-on!

– Paul

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