Getting fit takes an effort and when your couch begins to look more attractive than a workout at the gym, it’s easy to find an excuse not to go today. But what I’ve often told members is, if you miss a day or two, don’t stress about it. Any single session you do will have a positive result. It just so happens that in most cases, regularity and persistence will give you the ‘best’ results.
However, whether you do make the effort or don’t, can invariably make the difference between life and death. Or perhaps, living to its fullest, or existing in a rest-home. Researchers presenting to the Amercian College of Cardiology found that physical fitness was a better predictor of longevity than blood pressure, diabetes, high cholestrol and smoking. ‘The most fit individuals were more than TWICE as likely to be alive ten years later than the least fit’.
With paralell focus, two weeks ago we wrote about the work of prominent doctor, Dr Gabrielle Lyon. Dr Lyon famously uses the term ‘muscle-centric medicine’ as she evangelises the impact that weight-training has on your health and longevity. She says muscle strength is essential for what she calls ‘metabolic currency’, preventing disease, and living a long life.
The main factors that you can develop to keep yourself as healthy and as young as possible include; physical fitness, muscle strength, agility, endurance, and to underpin this by having a mostly healthy and natural diet. So by now you might be wondering, “How fit and how strong am I?”
Take a look at these simple checks you can do in your own time, developed by the famous MAYO CLINIC
Another action that you can take as a simple scientific cutting-edge guide is to book in for the EVOLT Body Scan at Club Physical.
This week’s newsletter can be found here