Healthy Living Blog

How much does your doctor know?

Our medical profession is promoted as the ‘first step’, the go-to’ for all our ills. And certainly, we need and rely on our doctors. But should we rely on them for ALL advice?

According to John Hopkins University, medical misdiagnosis and medical ‘errors’ are the third biggest killer in the United States, behind heart disease.

Most of us have high esteem for doctors and the number of years they study to become qualified. Medical school typically takes 5-7 years, and full qualifications can take anywhere from 10-15 years. So, they certainly put the mileage in.

Now, as a health club, where so many of our clients come to manage their weight, we know that nutrition plays a major part. Indeed, numerous ills are created by poor nutritional choices. Strange though it is that trainee doctors invest just 10-25 hours studying this?

Then, we know that ‘muscle strength and development’ has an astounding impact of one’s health and wellness. Surely, study on this must be a major portion of medical study.  Unfortunately, not.  A miniscule 5-15 hours in 5 years is generally allotted to this.

What about mental health? Anxiety and stress can be completely removed in an hour of exercise without the thought of popping pills. Yet doctors study this for a mere 5-10 hours!

We all know that there are plenty of drugs and medications prescribed. How much time do trainee doctors spend learning about these?  An average of 500 Plus hours! Does this seem a little disproportionate?

Yes, we do need and value our doctors, especially in times of emergency. But it would pay to stay inquisitive and to learn as much as you can personally, about how to stay well.

Footnote: Fortunately, there are some doctors who are up to date with the benefits of exercise and nutrition who have initiated their own studies.

Meanwhile in surgery…

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