Healthy Living Blog

I’m having a ‘Fat Day!’

As much as we each care about our own well-being, we often unwittingly sabotage ourselves simply by the words we choose to use. “I’m having a FAT DAY” pre-programs you to subconsciously justify reasons to ‘feel fat’ all day. Why would you do that to yourself?

According to Fitness Industry icon Rowena Mc Evoy you program your thoughts just like when you use Google. Type ‘Fat Day’ into Google and you’ll immediately receive all of the ideas, thoughts, and information about this. When Rowena spoke to a full Club Physical Team meeting on ZOOM this week she suggested that it be our responsibility to lead ourselves and others with a positive head-space using positive and uplifting words. She said we as a nation have been inundated with highly negative words like ‘Lock-Down’ over the last two years which has led to a nation living in high anxiety and controlled by fear. Why not change ‘Lock-Down’ to ‘Happy Home Stay’ she asked?

We can contribute to health, wellness, and positivity by vocally telling our family members that we love them. And regularly reflecting on the many things we can be thankful for. Finally, it is a good idea to always have something to ‘look forward to.

Are there some words that you could change today? Rowena challenged us to ‘Be a leader’. Use words that will help make us fitter, stronger, better. Become a living example for YOUR family.

If YOU would love to be part of Rowie’s presentation to the Club Physical Team,

Here it is

Along with her husband and World Taekwondo Champion, Kerry, Rowena leads the MAX COLLEGE of PERSONAL TRAINERS

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