Healthy Living Blog

Is This A Scary Challenge For YOU?

Instances of mental health challenges and loneliness have increased exponentially over the last two or three years. But there are two actions anyone can take that will make a huge positive difference to both! 

The first is ‘working-out’, the most powerful natural mood elevator. Working-out was recently promoted by Fitness Australia as in many cases, being one and a half times more effective than any pill.

The second is to experience a sense of friendship and community. The health and longevity power of community was pinpointed in the best-selling book, The BLUE ZONES. People who had a true circle of friends and community around them, live longer.

Here’s the challenge. That during every gym-session you have in the month of October, YOU make an all-out effort to talk to one other person. If you believe you are a bit shy and don’t really know how to open a conversation, try one of these twelve openers that you could use to approach others in a friendly and natural way:

  • “Hey, I’ve noticed you’re really consistent with your workouts. Any tips for staying motivated?”
  • “That exercise looks tough! How long did it take you to master it?”
  • “Hey, I’ve seen that you always workout hard. Do you do anything specific for recovery? Have you tried the new Recovery Room?
  • “I’ve been thinking about switching up my routine. What’s your favourite part of your workout?”
  • “Your form looks great on that lift. Do you have any advice for improving mine?”
  • “I’m trying out some new exercises, and I saw you doing something interesting. Mind sharing what it’s for?”
  • “I see you here pretty often. How long have you been coming to this gym?”
  • “Do you take any of the GROUPX classes here? I’m thinking of joining one.”
  • “That’s a cool machine you’re using! Do you recommend it?”
  • “I’m working on improving my [specific area like squats or cardio]. Any suggestions from your experience?”
  • “I’ve been stuck at a plateau lately. Do you have any go-to strategies for breaking through?”
  • “Hey, have you tried the X45 class or the Personal Training?”

You might be a complete natural in making friends. Yet sometimes, even though we might appear confident, opening-up to others can take a little push.

Please have a go, build your strength, fitness AND camaraderie. Get into the habit of speaking to at least one other person, each time you come.  

I guarantee your visits will become even more fulfilling and enjoyable!

This week’s newsletter can be found here

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