Healthy Living Blog

Juggling the distractions of today!

As a follow-on from last week’s editorial, ‘There is no Tiger’, we continue to hear about the struggles of mental health in a society that has more ‘distractions’ than ever before.

This morning, I drove passed a populated Te Atatu bus-stop and virtually every person there, had necks bent, peering down at their phones. Open, face-to-face physical communication is one of the essences of peer-support and mental health.

And yet, we appeared to be compelled to allow technology into our mind’s driver’s seat and to ignore the potential relationships beside us.

With social media we’re often given the impression that everyone else’s lives seem perfect and exciting. Somehow, we are ‘special’ and no one could understand our problems.  You begin feeling like a victim. Yet, it’s true that virtually everyone is dealing with problems and challenges. There is no escaping the fact that these are just a part of life. You do not have a unique set of ‘challenges’ that no-one else can understand. You are not alone. Some people have just developed greater levels of resilience.

One easily understood technique in dealing with your problems is to break them down into ONE-STEP-AT-A-TIME.  Simply, focus on the next thing/activity you need to get done today. Complete it fully and move on. You should find that your level of anxiety will reduce and your feeling of empowerment and accomplishment will increase.

Lastly, while not wanting to suggest that we run-away from our problems, it is possible, that sometimes, we need to leave an unsustainable situation.  I recall attending a seminar some years ago where the speaker discussed the turmoil of a women who found herself regularly threatened at home with alcohol induced violence. In her own mind, there was no escape. The situation had led her to falsely believe she was trapped and incapable of removing herself from that environment.

Sometimes our self-limiting beliefs create our own prisons. Yet you CAN accomplish anything you want in life. But it might be uncomfortable initially and it will take effort.

You might like a book I came across – BECOMING BULLET PROOF, by Evy Poumpouras – Former US Secret Service Agent.

Here Evy speaks on Ted:

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