Healthy Living Blog

Nothing Happens Without A Goal

These great-looking Club Physical members proved that Goal Setting works!

Initially the brainchild of Whitney, the group entered the SKY CITY Stair Climb Challenge and completed the event with flying colours last weekend. Over a month ago, Whitney set out on a quest and easily recruited TEN others from the gym for this highly ‘challenging’ event. The girls, most of them regulars in the X45 classes, beefed up their cardio on the clubs’ stair-climbers AND by met-up Sundays to drill on the stairs at Trust Stadium. By event day the Club Physical Team had raised a whopping $3136 for the charity Leukaemia NZ!

The Sky Tower is the tallest building in the Southern Hemisphere spanning FIFTY-ONE flights of stairs. Meanwhile, Eight Kiwis A DAY are diagnosed with Leukaemia!

For the girls, the event represented a perfect ‘Goal Setting’ scenario. First, they had a big hairy goal. Secondly, they had a date to be ready and thirdly, they enjoyed strong peer support.

The Club Physical 12-Week Transformation Challenge works for pretty much the same reasons. You have your GOAL. You have a date to achieve it by and you have the strong peer support.A BIG congratulations to our awesome ladies!

The next 12-Week Challenge starts 28 August – Don’t miss out… Sign up today!!

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