Healthy Living Blog

“One thing we’ll never compromise on, is the Kids Club”

Have YOU been one of many mums to have been able to enjoy that valuable ‘time-out’, with the knowledge that your children are safe and close by?

The importance of mum-presence, especially in the first three years of childhood, has been recently highlighted by Psychoanalyst and Social Worker, Erica Komisar, in her new book ‘Chicken Little, the sky isn’t falling’. The book addresses the escalating mental health challenges of today and suggests that a lack of ‘parental presence’, in the early years has fanned the flame.

Komisar refers to the staggering increase of diagnosis of ADHD over the last twenty years. In particular, the UK.  There has been a 20-fold increase in ADHD diagnosis and a 50-fold increase in prescription medication for men aged 18-29. Komisar believes that reduced time with mum between ages one to three will be one of the key causes. She says that a symptom of our modern society means that, for economic reasons, both mum and dad are working, leaving children in all-day care. Better, she says, if parents could somehow adapt to the mother having a ‘work from home’ role, or a part-time occupation, while children are under the age of three. 

Children with ADHD often exhibit inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity, which can impact their ability to learn, socialize, and function at home and school. These symptoms can include difficulty focusing, restlessness, and acting without thinking. 

Like many of our members, Tina’s own three children have all enjoyed the Kids Club ‘while mum teaches a class’, during their upbringing. Pictured is Brahm, Renee and Sharee-lee (the daughter of Tae Kwon Do instructor, Phil Swanson), and Hope and Joey.

This week’s newsletter can be found here

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