Healthy Living Blog

The Importance Of Setting Your New Years’ Goals

Have you heard the saying ‘a ship without a rudder’? It refers to not having a direction or a plan. Once you do have a plan, set a goal date, write it down, and almost like a miracle, the likelihood of it happening is very likely.

While it’s fair that we all define ‘success’ in different ways, most things worth aiming for require effort, determination, persistence and struggle. Over the last six months, I’ve been fortunate enough to have read four books written by people I admire.

The Operator – highlighted the decisions and adventures by US Navy Seal, Robert O’Neal. Similarly, the book Can’t hurt me, by David Goggins (photo above) is the life story of how a boy immersed in adversity and extreme hardship, built the determination to succeed as a US Navy Seal, then went on to run ultramarathons most of us would never dream of completing.

Be useful by Arnold Schwarzenegger is packed full of valuable advice and inspiration. It spans from his years unable to speak fluent English as a block-layer in Los Angeles, through to the decisions he made that effected millions of Americans as the Governor of California.

Then Elon Musk written by Ashlee Vance, shares Elon’s escapades and vision from an early age, including the period in his early 20’s that he slept at night, curled up on a bean-bag, beside his desk. Now one of the wealthiest and influential people in the world.

What do ALL four have in common? Each of these guys have undeniable courage, vision, and steely determination. Each of them is a serial Goal-Setter and has learned to press ahead and pursue their vision, in spite of the odds and despite the nay-sayers.

Now, have YOU set a New Year’s Goal? – Check out our 12-Week Transformation Challengestarting Feb 12!

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