Healthy Living Blog

Two challenges to grow yourself


As an educated guess you didn’t join the club to stay the same? Goals regularly span from losing weight, dropping a clothes size, becoming fitter, more confident, less stressed, more energetic, better sleep, to rehab an injury and to be among positive people.

The gym is therefore a hive for people interested in personal growth, albeit beginning with the physical and inadvertently also developing the mental. And this is where we like to give you a little ‘push and encouragement’. Since you’re doing so well, working out regularly, why stop at that? Keep pressing on increasing your personal growth and confidence in all areas. The more you learn and build, the more opportunities you will see in front of you.

Two things you can try; Make a real effort to begin building relationships at the gym. Give yourself a ‘push’ and say ‘Hi’ to people you see regularly. Ask an open-end question like “How have you found that particular exercise?” I have to say here that the trend of wearing headphones could dissuade others from talking to you….just something to consider.

Another challenge for you is to make an effort to read books. Research conducted by the University of Toronto found that reading fiction lead readers to become more ‘open-minded’ and creative. A writer, Stephanie Huston doubted whether she had time to read a book but set a goal to read FIFTY books a year. She found herself trading wasted time for reading time and just two months into her challenge reported greater peace, improved sleep and she was learning far more than she thought possible.

So our ‘challenge’ for you today is to press-on further and GROW YOURSELF!



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