A fifty-something friend at the gym told me that he was surprised when post-Christmas, trying on his suit for an upcoming wedding, that his tummy was now ‘protruding’. He told me that he dreaded the thought of his relatives seeing him that way on the wedding day, just three weeks away. Consequently, I’ve since seen him re-energised and at the club every day, more determinedly pressing through his workouts. His physical shape has been changing before our eyes. He has a different demeanour about him. I have no doubt that he will achieve the outcome he desires within the time-frame he has allowed. Sylvester Stallone would call it The Eye of The Tiger. What created this change? As if turning on a switch, he now has a GOAL!
How about YOU? What health or athletic outcome do YOU desperately desire? It starts in your mind. You just need to picture it, to give yourself a deadline, and to set the GOAL.
See you at the gym.