Healthy Living Blog

What does it take to be a man?


In ‘On deadly ground’, Stephen Segal asks ‘What does it take to change the essence of a man?”. The question causes us to think….

You may or may not agree that a real man has learned to keep his word. If he promises to do something, you can bank on the fact he’ll do it. A real man is fair, kind, loving and just.  He seeks wisdom. A real man has courage. A real man has no need to bully or to put others down to prove his value. A real man is responsible and takes full control of his emotions, his temperament. A real man is not afraid to show his love and respect for others. He understands that none of us are perfect and that it’s OK to make mistakes; But that we should aim instead to learn from them. A real man gets back up each time he is knocked down. He’s learned the value of ‘resilience, determination and tenacity’.

‘Working out’ strengthens several of your greatest qualities. Your health, body, mind and your self-discipline.  Here’s one of our favourite clips where a bully is humbled and urged to become a man.



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