Healthy Living Blog

What is strength?

There are two kinds of strength. Bodily strength and strength of character. The first image you’ll conjure up when thinking about the gym is of course, muscular strength. But how much of that do we need? Enough to continue to do our jobs, to carry the groceries or is it simply for self-satisfaction or perhaps to compete in sport and represent our country?

The time you invest in pushing your body to reach it’s strength potential will pay of with the priceless benefit of keeping you fit and well. It will increase your self-confidence, help you to live longer, prevent osteoporosis, improve your balance, remove stress and strengthen your heart and lungs.

Gaining strength can be achieved with a simple scientific approach. Club Physical’s theme this quarter is ‘Stronger than yesterday’. In essense, this reminds and challenges you to be constantly seeking improvements. Whether it is ‘one more rep’, one more kilo on your bar, or one more level on the cardio machine each week.

X45 STRENGTH classes will make this happen for you with the added inspiration of a highly qualified Coach and a motivated team of your peers around you.

Then there’s strength of character and this can be tested in many ways. Some of the strongest people I know, have also been small in stature and not particularly physically strong. Yet, because they have such a strong self-belief, they have become great leaders.

It takes strength when your mates want to do what you know is wrong and you stand-up and say, you’re not joining in. It takes strength to stand-up and speak at a wedding,  a funeral or at your work meeting.  It takes strength to up-hold your values and beliefs or to be quiet and allow another person to speak first. Surely ‘self-discipline’ itself is an important aspect of strength.

It takes strength to muscle-up your mind to seek the positive when so many drift into negative gossip. Then also, courage is a part of strength of character. The courage to compete as an athlete, to fight for your country, to surf when the waves are big, to climb a mountain, or to face an audience.

Yes, there are two kinds of strength in this world. Will you seize every opportunity to grow your strength?  ‘Romans 5’ in the Bible challenges  you to ‘Be glad when challenges come before YOU. Challenges develop persistance. And persistance develops character. And character deveops hope!’

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